Anatomy of Sports Injuries: NECK-LASHING PAIN & BANG-IT-ON-THE-HEAD.

SPORTS TRIVIA. NECK-LASHING PAIN. Games which involves head movements could cause a neck-lashing pain called whiplash. Whiplash, also called as cervical hyperextension injury or flexiba-extension neck injury, refers to injury to the soft tissues of the neck including the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. 

BANG-IT-ON-THE-HEAD. Concussions! Yes, you’ve read it right. This most common head injury a player could have is this head-banging concussion. The word comes from the Latin word “concutere”, which means “to shake violently.”

Anatomy of Sports Injuries: NECK-LASHING PAIN & BANG-IT-ON-THE-HEAD. Anatomy of Sports Injuries: NECK-LASHING PAIN & BANG-IT-ON-THE-HEAD. Reviewed by on 5:51:00 PM Rating: 5